Taking Care of Your Nipples While Breastfeeding

Why does breastfeeding hurt sometimes and how to care for your nipples Updated December 4th 2022 Let me start this by saying you do not need to toughen up your nipples or do anything to prepare them for breastfeeding. If your experience is anything like mine, you received unsolicited advice from well meaning friends andContinue reading “Taking Care of Your Nipples While Breastfeeding”

Breastmilk Freezer Stash: Why you don’t have to have one

Or why you don’t have to have one as large as you think! Updated February 2nd 2023 When I gave birth to my son and started breastfeeding, I felt like I was supposed to be storing milk. No one explicitly told me to do this. I just thought it was something you did. I sawContinue reading “Breastmilk Freezer Stash: Why you don’t have to have one”

14 Tips for Breastfeeding in the First 14 days

Updated April 2nd 2024 Breastfeeding can be completely unexpected. I know it was for me when I had my first baby. I did plan ahead with a prenatal breastfeeding class but I waited until I was 38 weeks pregnant and was so uncomfortable with Braxton-Hicks contractions the whole time that I couldn’t pay attention! IContinue reading “14 Tips for Breastfeeding in the First 14 days”

Breastfeeding With A Nipple Piercing

Last updated October 9th 2023 Can I breastfeed with a nipple piercing? What if I used to have one? Will a nipple piercing affect my milk supply or my baby? If you have these questions, you’re not alone! You might not have previously considered breastfeeding at the time you got your nipple pierced. Maybe nowContinue reading “Breastfeeding With A Nipple Piercing”

4 tips for plugged ducts

It can be common to hear about someone who experienced a plugged duct (sometimes called a clogged duct) while breastfeeding but what does that actually mean? And what do you do if you find yourself with a plugged duct? Before jumping right to what to do, it’s important to understand a little more about breastContinue reading “4 tips for plugged ducts”

4 Signs Your Baby is Getting Enough Milk

How do I know if my baby is getting enough milk? This is probably one of the top questions I get from new parents. It makes sense. You can’t see the milk going into their body so how do you really know? The good news is, there are definitely a few signs to watch forContinue reading “4 Signs Your Baby is Getting Enough Milk”