27 Reasons Your Baby Wants To Breastfeed

Updated January 22nd 2024

You’ve likely had someone question how often your baby was nursing or maybe you’ve been wondering “what’s normal”? This is so common especially because someone likely told you a breastfed baby eats every 2-3 hours so when your baby wants to nurse more often than that, it makes you wonder. You might have even been taught that in a prenatal class somewhere. The hard truth is, however, this is not accurate for most babies.

Most babies, especially newborns, eat more frequently than this. This is because baby’s are driven by biology. They want to eat when they are hungry. Just like you or me. Unlike you or me, they don’t understand schedules, and do not operate off of them.

Some days they will want to eat very often. Some days they may go that 2-3 hours between feedings. Some days however, they won’t want to eat much but they will want to be at the breast all the time.

Babies seek out the breast for so many reasons. Reasons far beyond just food or thirst. You are your baby’s safe space. Their home. You are the place they go to for comfort. How special is that?!

Yes, your baby will want the breast when they are hungry or thirsty but they may also want it if they are overwhelmed or stressed. If babies become overstimulated and overwhelmed with their environment, they will seek the breast as a familiar safe space that will comfort them. This is not a bad habit. It’s our biology.

Because of this, I’ve put together a list of 27 different reasons your baby may want to breastfeed. It’s mainly for fun but I’ve experienced these with my own two children as well as had clients experience these. Every single one of these reasons is a valid reason to want to nurse. We have to stop thinking of breastfeeding as just “food” and see it for what it truly is a relationship. It’s a connection between parent and baby, a way to mother our children; a bond. It is so far beyond just food and hydration (though it’s the best tailor-made nutrition you’ll find for your baby).

27 Reasons Your Baby Wants to Breastfeed

  1. Hungry
  2. Thirsty
  3. Tired
  4. Scared
  5. Sad
  6. Hurt
  7. Overwhelmed
  8. Stressed
  9. Have a cold
  10. Have a fever
  11. Teething
  12. Had a bad dream
  13. They love you
  14. Trying to poop
  15. Settle their stomach
  16. Feels like a good time to breastfeed
  17. They saw your boobs
  18. To fall asleep
  19. They met a stranger
  20. To spend time with you
  21. It makes them happy
  22. It makes them feel safe
  23. They’re hot
  24. Breastmilk is sweet
  25. They need a quick snack
  26. They were separated from you
  27. They’re frustrated

Alex Wachelka

Alex Wachelka is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, mother of two, educator, writer and podcast host. She works with families locally and across the globe to help them feed their babies.

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