
Real support for your breastfeeding concerns

I believe you can create your own unique relationship with breastfeeding that supports both you and your baby when you have the right support.

Helping you feed your baby on your terms

Alex Wachelka, BSc., IBCLC CEO/Founder Motherhood Blooms Lactation™

Breastfeeding isn’t one size fits all. I provide compassionate care whatever your infant feedings goals are

| breast | pump | bottle |

Currently providing both in person and virtual lactation appointments

In person appointments are happen in-home. These are by appointment only. You will need to specify ‘in-home’ and add your address if you book online.

My clients come to me for support with

Latch Challenges: Your baby has a shallow or painful latch. You’re using a nipple shield and/or having trouble positioning them or any other concerns you have about their latch.

Milk Supply: You’re struggling with low supply and need help to increase your supply

Starting Solids: You’re not sure when or how to start or what it means for your milk supply

Prenatal Education: You are expecting a baby and want to learn more about breastfeeding. You have questions about milk supply, pumping or milk storage

Pumping: You’re currently pumping and need some support and answers to your questions including bottle feeding

Feeding Older babies: If your 4+ month old is going through a milestone that’s affecting feeding I can help. Through teething, biting, distraction and more including support for weaning.

I will help you through your challenges and provide you with reassurance and support

You are in the right place

What moms are saying about working with me

I am here to help you! I offer one on one support to help you reach your breastfeeding goals, whatever they may be.

About Me

Hi! I’m Alex Wachelka. I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and mother of two and I’m here to help make breastfeeding an easier, more enjoyable experience for you so you can spend more time enjoying your baby.

Breastfeeding my first child is how I discovered my passion for lactation and breastfeeding support. I help you feel seen, heard and validated while helping you reach your breastfeeding goals with a non-judgmental, supportive and holistic approach. I am dedicated to ensuring you feel well supported and confident in how you feed your baby.

Expecting a baby and have questions about breastfeeding?

Join my FREE 5 Day Mini Prenatal Breastfeeding course and you’ll be well on your way to a confident breastfeeding experience. This free course is sent straight to your inbox with one new lesson each day, for 5 days

Work With Me

I am here to support you and your breastfeeding relationship. Whether you want to learn more about breastfeeding, are currently struggling with painful feedings, supplementing or planning to wean, I will help ease your worries and create a plan with you to help you feel more confident.

Real support from a lactation consultant and mother of two.

When you join my weekly email community, you’ll receive helpful tips & and support around feeding your baby. You’ll also learn more about my services and program and how they can help.
Get ready to dive into all things lactation and breastfeeding and how you can achieve a confident feeding experience whether breast, pump or bottle!

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What’s on the blog…

How to Hand Express

How to perform this Press, Compress and Release method to collect milk Updated August 14th 2023 Hand expression is a valuable skill for all lactating parents to have. It is not cost prohibitive because all you need is your hands!…

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I’d love to connect with you. You can find me on any of these platforms.